Friday, May 11, 2007


Nothing like pictures of clouds to brighten up one's day.


L B said...

So almighty SURREAL!!!!

Johnny Malkavian said...

Did you run this through photoshop?

Emily said...

LB: Thanks!

Johnny: Long time no see! To answer your question... yes I did, but only because the camera was unable to reproduce the colours I saw with my naked eyes. However, I do think I overdid it with the contrast...

Anonymous said...

8). I've only started blogging again recently, and I just bought my DSLR too! 8D

the colour looked alright to me, but the top part of the cloud looked a little weird, 's all.h

Emily said...

Yeah I noticed, EOS350D right? I'll be upgarding to a DSLR soon too ^_^ Oh, the top part of the cloud was all natural though.

Anonymous said...

The 350D's a really good value over the 400D. I'm quite glad that my budget forced me to go for the more affordable one instead; the $400 I saved could possibly get me a decent lens.

When you get a DSLR, you'll probably be spending more money on lenses than anything else!