Monday, October 23, 2006

Busy Busy Busy

Yellow Birdwing (Troides Helena).

This is my favourite shot from the Butterfly Park trip the other day. Reason? Movement! It's hard enough chasing a hyperactive butterfly through the electronic viewfinder, more so when done on maximum zoom (~432mm). It was a super lucky shot as my camera just happened to be pointing at the right direction in my confusion to find the butterfly and it just happened to fly into view. I didn't even know what I shot, it's more of a reflex action in clicking the shutter once I sensed movement. I especially like how sharp the legs and flowers are in contrast to the wings, it's my best movement shot yet ^_^


L B said...

Yup, stunning!!

lee wei said...

whoa brilliant.
amazing that you did that on FZ5. In fact, a lot of your shots are amazing.
I use FZ5 too. =)

Emily said...

Thanks guys!

temme: Yay! Fellow FZ5 user :-D