Friday, December 04, 2009

KKIA Parking

Nikon D40 @ 18mm, ISO200, f8, 1/500 sec.
I'm back from my week long vacation to Kuala Lumpur. Since I've been posting outdated pictures in the photoblog, I'm going to put everything aside for now and post the vacation pictures first in chronological order :-)

PS: I only brought the kit lens with me as it was a shopping oriented trip. It was more than enough, I never missed the heavy 18-200VR ;-)


Murphy said...

So syok... got 18-200 VR II liao? :-)

thanks God u didn't drive in KL.. XD

Emily said...

Nah, still the same one. Not interested in adding equipments for the time being, but focusing on getting the best out of what I have :-)

You are so bad! Just wait and see, later I'll become Malaysia's first female F1 driver!!! ;-p